
寝袋 二人用 KS3143

¥8,400 (税込)



寝袋 二人用 KS3143



  • 寝袋の両サイドにダブルファスナーで解体?連結でき、1人用?2人用によって使い分けるできます。
  • 最低温度:-3℃~、快適温度:7℃~12℃。春、夏、秋、冬、オールシーズンにお使いいただけます。
  • シュラフ表地は撥水性と耐引裂性に優れた190Tポリエステルを採用、防水性抜群です裏地は肌触り良い素材です。
  • 中綿はポリエステル(250g/㎡)を採用して、防寒性と保温性を備えています。
  • ご家庭の洗濯機で丸洗いができるのでいつでも清潔にできます寝袋専用枕2個付き、快適睡眠をいただけます。
  • 足元にファスナーも開閉でき、温度調整や歩くことができます。
  • 軽量でキャンプや防災用として、持ち運び便利です。収納パック付き、持ち運び便利です。
  • アウトドア、野宿、登山、キャンプ、地震、防災、テント泊、ツーリング、自宅、様々なシーンで大活躍。


使用サイズ 220cm×150cm
収納サイズ 51×30×30cm
重量 2.8kg
性別 ユニセックス
寝袋の形状 封筒型
表地 190Tポリエステル生地
裏地 ポリエステル(250g/㎡)
収納バッグ オックスフォード
充填物重量 250g
充填物 ポリエステル
快適温度 7℃~12℃
最低使用温度 7℃
極限温度 -3℃
最適な使い方 キャンプ

Customer Reviews

Based on 68 reviews
Warm and cozy

The kids and I spent an afternoon outside in our tent reading in this sleeping bag - it was about 45 degrees and rainy - and we stayed warm the whole time. The little pillows that come with the sleeping bag are a plus (my kids love them), and they fit into little pockets in the sleeping bag. There is a small pocket on the inside that is handy for keeping a cell phone or other valuables close by. The fabric inside the sleeping bag is really soft and cozy, and overall, it seems really well-made and easy to zip. I like that you can use it as two single sleeping bags if needed.

Warm and cozy

The kids and I spent an afternoon outside in our tent reading in this sleeping bag - it was about 45 degrees and rainy - and we stayed warm the whole time. The little pillows that come with the sleeping bag are a plus (my kids love them), and they fit into little pockets in the sleeping bag. There is a small pocket on the inside that is handy for keeping a cell phone or other valuables close by. The fabric inside the sleeping bag is really soft and cozy, and overall, it seems really well-made and easy to zip. I like that you can use it as two single sleeping bags if needed.

Elisabeth Jeske
Not bulky, nice cotton lining. Bottom zipper for feet is super nice

Nice sleeping bag. Like how it’s not bulky and the lining isn’t slippery. The first night I used it, the stitching by the zipper that attaches the head portion to the bag pulled out...I think I must have sat up to fast and that caused the bag to shift, pulling the zipper out. I was able to mend it though; will be more careful with it in the future!
The zipper at the bottom is super handy to have!

Elisabeth Jeske
Not bulky, nice cotton lining. Bottom zipper for feet is super nice

Nice sleeping bag. Like how it’s not bulky and the lining isn’t slippery. The first night I used it, the stitching by the zipper that attaches the head portion to the bag pulled out...I think I must have sat up to fast and that caused the bag to shift, pulling the zipper out. I was able to mend it though; will be more careful with it in the future!
The zipper at the bottom is super handy to have!

Nicely made with thoughtful details for people under 4'10" tall.

This full body sleeping bag is well made with thoughtful details. It would probably provide warmth outdoors in 40+ temperatures - if used in shelter such as a tent -with a pad. It would make a nice coverup for outdoor activity, too, like a snowsuit, though I don't think it's water repellent.